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Refinance Loan Checklist

  • Your current mortgage information including copy of mortgage statement
  • Your property tax bill
  • A list of all of your recurring monthly expenses (car payments, credit cards, etc.)
  • Copies of paystubs and other sources of income for yourself and any co-borrowers (child support, alimony, home-based employment)
  • Copies of complete most-recent bank statements for savings, checking and retirement account
  • Letter explaining any discrepancies or disputes with credit history
  • Copy of year-to-date profit and loss statement, if self-employed
  • Your homeowners insurance policy and billing information
  • Social Security Numbers for yourself and any co-borrowers
  • A list of your employers and their contact information for the past two years
  • Copies of tax returns and W-2s for the past two years
  • Copy of divorce decree or separation agreement, if applicable
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